Visual Novels

Class Notes:

If a visual novel has more 3D elements, they tend to be more focused on gameplay. Whereas with more 2D elements, they tend to focus more on the narrative.

Dating Sims

Many visual novels have elements or are based entirely around dating. Even though not all visual novels are dating sims, this is what is most popular across Japan, especially dating sims that contain adult content. Many Japanese visual novels have been banned from the western market because of the extreme adult content and over-sexualisation of underage females.

The Lost Decade – 1990-2000

This was when there was an economic crash in Japan, as well as many tragedies. These included the Tokyo gas attacks and Kobe earthquake. This lead to a bigger growth in animation. And the likes of ‘Neon Genesis Evangelion’ and ‘Ghost in the Shell’ were born

My Research:

What is a visual novel? Visual novels originated in Japan, and are a genre of ‘game’ where the player follows along with a narrative, often having choices to make and being part of the story. The style is very distinct in that it resembles anime or manga. There are many genres of visual novels, including Detective and Horror. But my far the most popular and the genre that comes to mind, are Dating Simulators. They are often compared to comic books, anime and video games. In a way, a lot of visual novels cross over into all of these categories.

Despite Japan having created visual novels, and many of them having the ‘anime-look’, the style of game has been developed into American games too, such as ‘Dream Daddy’ which is also a dating sim with more of a western look to the graphics. While PC seems to the most popular platform for visual novels, mobile apps are also very popular as it allows the user to play on the go. The american developed mobile visual novel ‘The Arcana’ allows the user to play on their phone. They can experience the narrative every time they open the app. It is also a new introduction to gender when it comes to visual novels.

“There’s also the fact that these games are unapologetically focused on their female fans” (Radulovic, 2018)

the arcana
The Arcana (2018)

‘The Arcana’ allows for the user to pick their gender and all characters within the game are ‘date-able’ regardless of the players gender. The game is very all-round and inclusive. And doesn’t just focus on one gender of fans.

Also the Korean mobile visual novel ‘Mystic Messenger’ which plays out its story as though the user is in a group messenger chat with other characters in the ‘game’. The narrative is told in scheduled group chats between various characters, and the player has ready made answers/choices to reply in conversations. The overall plot of the game is a lot deeper however, its main ‘selling’ point is that you have the chance to talk and ‘date’ different characters. The game also has a branching narrative where there is a good and a bad ending for each of the 5 characters. Which adds to the games play-ability

mystic messenger
Mystic Messenger (2016)

Mystic Messenger is unusual to a lot of visual novels due to the fact it is time sensitive and relies on the reader to participate in group chats on time when they are notified. And if the miss the chat, they are unable to go back. (unless using in-game ‘currency’) Many visual novels can be quite addicting and often consume a lot of the readers life and time. And it’s the like of ‘Mystic Messenger’ which makes this issue even larger. Players would have to regularly be playing the game almost every hour (when chat rooms open) across the span of 11 days. This really plays into the obsessive behaviour behind visual novels. However the game was praised for this aspect.

“[Mystic Messenger’s success] is due to how immersive it is,” (Kemps, 2016)

Despite the abundance of dating sims, there is a huge variety of other genres, such as the visual novel ‘Ace Attorney’ which allows you to play the role of a lawyer uncovering cases. This links into the first noted visual novel created in Japan called, ‘The Portopia Serial Murder Case’ which was a detective based story created in 1983

The Portopia Serial Case Murder Case (1983)

Most of the visual novels I looked into are generally suitable for all, and offer interesting and sometimes very unique experiences. But there is the side to visual novels which is extremely popular in Japan itself, which is basically dating games to the extreme.

Adult Content:

In Japan many visual novels tend to include adult content and often have underage characters and/or characters that even appear underage as part of the story.

There is a genre of visual novel which is very popular among men in Japan, which gives the feeling of the player having a girlfriend or lover. The term ‘Moe’ is the affectionate longing for a 2D character. This also ties into the obsession in Japan of appearing younger. This is all something everyone wants, to look younger than what we really are. But in Japan, they are no strangers to having overly sexualised characters, ESPECIALLY those who look way underage. Japan itself as a whole seems to have very little issue with over-sexualising young girls which is a very sickening thought. This behaviour is shown in a lot of their visual novels intended for men. The game ‘Omega Labyrinth Z’ was banned in the UK due to its outlook, treatment and sexualistaion of minors


Kemps, H (2016) The Surprising Success of ‘Mystic Messenger’ [Accessed 12/03/19]

Radulovic, P (2018). [Accessed 12/03/19]


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