Animation Discourse: Presentation on Article

As a group we decided on the article: Components of Costume Design in Disney’s Early Hand Drawn Animated Feature Films-Maarit Kalmakurki.

I read through the article and took notes on what I found important.


From looking into the article, everything was basically factual and it was hard to agree or disagree with certain aspects. However, the article talked about how rotoscoping was used to influence character design for 2D animation. This led us to look into rotoscoping more and it benefits, as well has negatives. I found out that Walt Disney didn’t exactly use rotoscoping in it’s ‘original form’ but developed it a little. He hired in dancers and actors to allow animators to draw from life and gain an idea for the flow and movement of clothes.

The article talked about how costume design is highly important to every aspect of a character, as elements of clothes can also contribute to plot lines of the story.

This was our presentation we gave, as well as videos we looked at:

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