Modelling & Final Render

Grand Staircase:

I looked into various staircase designs, and really liked the way the staircase in FFXV separated into two sections before leading to the throne. I also like the design of the stairs in Titanic and how detailed they were. I also looked into Gothic architecture for reference for my model.

I had a lot of struggles when it came to modelling the stairs. I found trying to get the right curve very difficult so that the top step matched up to the right height I wanted for the throne area. I tried creating the stairs and all elements straight and bend them all together at once, but that failed several times. I then had to curve the steps first and then draw a curved line from the top view to extrude along for the banister.

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Chandelier & Cage:

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Candelabras & Jugs:

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Final Renders:

(on macs)

Final Video:

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