Life Drawing Year Reflection

Semester One:

Life drawing was a relatively new experience for me this year, and although it was initially challenging, I’ve grown to enjoy it I think that I can see my improvement from semester one to the second semester. I feel a little bit more comfortable with my ability to draw figures, however I know that I have plenty of room for improvement:

I also enjoyed the class which we drew hands and feet as I often tend to not draw hands and feet as I find them more difficult. But I liked having the challenge in class to actually draw something out of my comfort zone


Semester Two:

I think that my understanding of shape and form has improved compared to first semester, and I also am able to draw the basic lines of action much quicker than before. I am a lot more confident with my lines.


I also liked the class in which we drew with ink with also the class which we moved around the room and worked on each other portrait drawings of Robert. These were all new experiences for me, but I enjoyed them nevertheless



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