Avatar – Schematic

As a group we were given Avatar as our film to create a schematic. Initially none of us knew what a schematic was and had to do a bit of research and ask some second years.

After watching Avatar, many times, and making notes, we had a rough idea of what to include in the schematic. Katie wrote the things which happened for each character storyline wise. And Sinead added The Hero’s Journey theory and relevance to other books.

I helped with the layout design for the schematic and did research into ways we could lay it out.

I also took a bunch of notes and doodles for this project:

However, with all the complex information within our schematic we decide it would be best to have it relatively simple.


timeline for avatar edited (4)timeline for avatar edited (5)timeline for avatar edited (6)timeline for avatar edited (7)

(Thank you Katie for cropping the images)

I also drew some of the icons which were used on the schematic to pinpoint specific events and people


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