BuildaWorld- Week 10

This week we had to create an animatic for our world and create a storyline. We began by sitting down together and working out what we wanted our storyline to be. Ideas were thrown on the table and eventually we came to an agreement of what we would like our animatic to be about.

We originally looked at existing animatics to get an idea of what we were to produce. We mainly looked at “If I Could Tell Her: Dear Evan Hansen” and “Non-Stop: Hamilton”

We divided the storyline into four sections and each drew out thumbnails each and agreed on section of the animatic to work on.

Our work so far with tonals has all been very consistent and our style has kept consistent throughout so we thought it would be best to keep working with the same style. I had to work on the third section of the story.

These are a few of my panels which I worked on:


I think that we could improve our animatic, but I also am happy with our outcome considering it was our first time ever creating an animatic

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