BuildaWorld- Week 8

We continued with more tonals and I also designed a smaller creature named Zoom. In the first image, I designed a wall in which creatures would be born on in little bubbles. In the second image, I also had Zoom travel through the water with an accordion-like movement:

Zoom Tonal
Zoom’s Movement

The Trio – Character Design

I created Zoom: creates light, provides emotional support

Travis designed Squelch: builds due to limbs and his shape

Natasha created Dump Truck: moves ground and materials for Squelch to use.

I found that there was a lack of communication while working with this group and we didn’t actively arrange meetings outside of class time to sit and talk over what it is we should be working on.  I feel like we should have met up and arranged meetings to ensure that everyone was on the same track and knew where we were all at for the tonals.

I think it’s clear from our work that we have an inconsistent style and an inconsistency with the idea of how the world looked. We all had very different visions of what the environment looked like.

Also at this point I wanted to try out some digital work as I had been putting it off. I figured that for our next task/next week I would start working digitally.


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