BuildaWorld- Week 6&7

Over the next 2 weeks we continued with tonals and warm and cool lighting.


We began to consider optical illusions and the idea of not everything in this world will make sense. And our architecture began to stray away from the Roman buildings and now focusing on the optical illusions and patterns to create structures

Tonal Work
Tonal Work

I also was curious if it was possible to have waterfalls underwater as it would be interesting and add to the idea of the world being a bit topsy turvy. I found out that in Mauritius there is a separation in the water which allows a waterfall to be created underwater

Underwater Waterfall in Mauritius

I also looked at the logic in Spongebob, or lack of, as there are many scenes where the characters have fire lit underwater. The original way for the genius to travel was through candlelight, so flames would be needed underwater for them to travel between their world and this one.



I found it is possible under the right conditions, so this led to me designing an area in the world were thousands of candles would be in these spherical containers. The area reminded me a little of a library as it is quiet and calm.

I also did more tonals this week:



I also looked at this videos for help and inspiration as I soon would like to begin painting digitally

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